shirt: on sale @ Sears, pants: Free People, Shoes: Mystique Boutique NYC, Bracelet: JewelMint |
Please excuse my awkward self. This is why I don't like taking outfit pictures but I suppose that comes with practice. I also had to coax my boyfriend to take these for me haha. Today we went to Port Washington to get some delicious Mexican food. I seriously could eat Mexican food every day of my life, I love it so much. We had a late dinner, I made burgers at home while the guys watched the hockey game (Go Rangers!). Of course we all know tomorrow is Mother's Day... what are your plans? We're going over to Scott's parents house to have some BBQ, yum! I think I'm going to run over to Michael's and pick up some suede cord or something of that sort and make a bracelet using this tutorial from HonestlyWTF.
Here are a few of my Instagrams! Follow me @omgthursday!

See ya later! Thanks for reading :) Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there!
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